The people escaping to freedom on the Underground Railroad were the superheroes of their time. They had to be shrewd and cunning. They had to know whom to trust. They had to risk their lives, and making the 600-mile journey to freedom was a feat of epic proportions. But, the dangers of the Underground Railroad reached far beyond those who were escaping to freedom. For every escapee, an entire network of people across racial lines, black and white, women and men, and put themselves in harm’s way. The people who helped along the path—hosting, hiding, planning were truly the heroes of this time.. They were the living embodiment of the American motto, “United we stand, divided we fall.”
This campaign, highlighted those enslaved not just as heroes, but American heroes. Elevating them out of their condition and their need to ‘break free’ is what made Underground universally appealing. Just as our characters use their combined strengths to achieve their goal, this campaign invited viewers to immerse themselves in the world of Underground, working together to ‘Break Free.’